Friday, January 26, 2007

Overcome Shyness Baby Step Three

Baby Step Three

Greetings. You are on the path to ending your shyness now.

Yesterday you took Baby Step Two. You made a list. It was easy. So now what? Now I want you to take a look at your list. Pick out one area you are shy in from your list. Just one and don’t agonize over the selection. Just pick one. It doesn’t matter which one you pick because this technique applies to all of them. Now that you have selected this one area you are going to do a little exercise. Don’t worry you won’t need workout clothes for this. This is a mental exercise. You will use your mind to do this.

Get comfy and relaxed in a quiet space. Turn off the radio, the TV and any other distractions. Ask anyone around to please not contact you for the next five minutes.

Take some deep breaths. Now let’s get started. Picture yourself in the situation you picked where you feel shy. Notice how your body feels when you feel shy. Are your muscles tense? Are you clenching your jaw? Is your stomach churning? Do you have a knot in your stomach? Identify all these sensations. This is your personal indicator of what shyness feels like to you. Spend some time with these sensations and notice every last one. This is the way you feel when you feel shy. Probably this is uncomfortable. Feeling shy does feel uncomfortable. Don’t get into your head and berate yourself for feeling like this. Let that go and just notice and observe the physical sensations of shyness.

So now you know how your body reacts to feeling shy. It is probably not a good reaction. It probably does not make your body feel good.

Now we go to step two of the exercise. Take some deep breaths. Picture yourself in the same situation EXCEPT now you are no longer shy. You are confident. Now how does your body feel? Are you still tense? Any stomach activity? Concentrate on seeing how you feel when you are not shy. Notice how your body feels when you are not shy. Notice your body’s sensations when you are not shy. This is how not being shy feels. Big difference.

Practice this at least once a day. Don’t go on to situation two until you feel that situation one is conquered. How will you know when situation one is conquered? You will definitely notice. When you imagine yourself feeling shy in this situation you will have to work hard to re create that feeling. When you imagine yourself feeling not shy in this situation you will not have to work hard. It will be easy to picture yourself as not shy. I know that in a couple of days you will notice results.

Next comes Baby Step Four. Baby Step Four is the last step. If you want end your shyness faster check this out.
End Shyness, Marcia, Your Confidence Coach

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