Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Overcome Shyness The Story of Lyndy

The Story of Lyndy

There are shy people and non shy people. No one is shy 24/7 and no one is not shy 24/7. I have a friend, Lyndy. She owns her own business that she built up from scratch. She is an artist and her business is artistic. She is a home decorator. She is doing what she enjoys and making a good income at it. In my experience it is not usual for artists to be tops in business. In my experience it is not usual for artists to like the business end of art. That is why I think Lyndy is unusual. I do not think she loves the business end of interior design but she knows she must do it in order to generate income.

Fortunately for her she is a people person and that is a big part of her business. She also is an assertive person. I would not think of someone who is assertive as being shy also. Yet as I stated no one is not shy 24/7. I learned that in some circumstances Lyndy is shy. I was surprised to discover this. Lyndy is assertive most of the time. Yet there are actually times she is shy.

Let me give you an example. Lyndy is actually shy when to comes to meeting men for romantic purposes. She is fine with meeting men as friends and clients but if romance is involved Lyndy turns into a shy person. Lyndy had a long time love and they broke up. It has been three years since Lyndy met anyone else to love and love her. I have encouraged her to get out there and meet men. She always has an excuse not to meet men. Yet she is sad because there is no one special in her life.

Does this sound familiar? Does this sound like you? You are usually assertive EXCEPT when it comes to…..

Lyndy is only shy when it comes to meeting men for romantic purposes. In most other situations she is assertive. However, being shy when it comes to love is serious. What is even more serious is that Lyndy does not want to recognize the fact she is shy when it comes to meeting men. She does not think she is shy when it comes to meeting men. Due to her intelligence her brain has tricked her into thinking it is the men, not her shyness that stands between her and true love. She has excuse after excuse why she will not put herself out there and meet her next true love. There is only one reason she has not met her next true love. When it comes to the opposite sex she is shy.

Being shy in only one area of your life can be serious. Look at Lyndy. Don’t be like Lyndy. Don’t miss out on a big, valuable part of your life. Join my newsletter. Buy my product. Get back into your life.

Marcia, Your Confidence Coach

PS Would love to hear from you. I never moderate comments so feel free to be brutally honest.

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